The American University in Bulgaria (AUBG) team took home second place at this year’s Bulgarian national programming competition for the second year in a row, finishing behind only Sofia University.
Experts tracking the progress of Balkan nations over the past few decades still have concerns about the stabilization of these national economies and their financial industries.
The European Parliament’s Economics and Monetary Affairs Committee recently approved several measures to make it easier for businesses that have been taxed by two member states to resolve their disputes.
The Bulgarian-American Credit Bank (BACB) recently held its annual general meeting of the shareholders, which saw shareholders approve 2016 reports, an Audit Committee statute and changes to the bank’s bylaws.
ICT company Intrasoft International will continue its work with the European Commission and the Taxation and Customs Union, including trans-European system management and coordination (ITSM3-TES), following the signing of a new contract.
UniCredit recently finalized its sale of a 32.8 percent shareholding in Bank Pekao S.A., which went to Powszechny Zakład Ubezpieczeń S.A. and Polski Fundusz Rozwoju S.A. for a total sum of $2.8 billion, according to a UniCredit release.
UniCredit BulBank Chief Economist Kristofor Pavlov noted at a recent forum that Bulgaria’s economy is on track to hit a high point of 4 percent GDP growth in 2018.
Euroins Insurance Group AD (EIG) has merged its subsidiary Euroins Health Assurance EAD into another subsidiary, DM EIG Re, formerly known as HDI Insurance.
Students from the Hellenic Air Force Command and Staff College (AFCSC) recently visited INTRACOM Defense Electronics (IDE) to learn about multinational communications and electronics systems under development.
Banks in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region experienced an overall growth of 9 percent over the past year, according to the CEE Banking Sector Report 2017.
Romanian nuclear power company SN Nuclearelectrica SA said that its Cernavoda NPP Unit 1 was intentionally and temporarily disconnected from the National Power System this month due to an issue with the unit.
Piraeus Port Authority (PPA) recently held its annual briefing to disclose last year's earnings to members of the Hellenic Fund and Asset Management Association.
Jobbatical is working to enhance international hiring processes with operations in many European communities, the Balkans and elsewhere around the world.
A couple of years ago, the media exploded with reports of Greek interest in bitcoin, a cryptocurrency that most people didn't know about until recently.
Shares of Association for the Application of Static Generators (AAGES), a designer and manufacturer of induction heating systems, are trading on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), according to a BVB press release.