Romanian National Bank issued the following announcement.
As of August 31, 2020, the foreign exchange reserves at the National Bank of Romania were at the level of 35,768 million euros, compared to 36,249 million euros as of July 31, 2020.
The following operations took place during the month:
- Revenues of 1,360 million euros, representing the modification of the minimum foreign exchange reserves constituted by credit institutions, replenishment of the accounts of the Ministry of Public Finance, replenishment of the account of the European Commission and others;
- Outflows of 1,841 million euros, representing the modification of the minimum foreign exchange reserves constituted by credit institutions, payments of installments and interests on account of the public debt denominated in foreign currency and others.
The level of the gold reserve remained at 103.6 tons. Given the evolutions of international prices, its value stood at 5,497 million euros.
Romania's international reserves (currencies plus gold) on August 31, 2020 were 41,265 million euros, compared to 41,808 million euros on July 31, 2020.
Payments due in September 2020 on account of public debt denominated in foreign currency, direct or guaranteed by the Ministry of Public Finance, amount to about 2,171 million euros.
The time series related to international reserves (available since April 2005) can be accessed in different formats (html, xls, xml and csv) in the Interactive Database .
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