As of January 7, 2025, the shares of "AKTOR S.A. HOLDING COMPANY TECHNICAL AND ENERGY PROJECTS" will be traded on the Athens Exchange (ATHEX) ex-rights. The trading terms involve issuing 0.270853467785515 new shares for every old share held, resulting in a total of 43,478,478 new shares at an issue price of €4.60 per share.
The rights' trading period is scheduled from January 10 to January 21, 2025. The subscription period extends from January 10 to January 24, 2025.
According to article 2.6.3 of the ATHEX Rulebook and decisions No. 22 & 26 by the ATHEX Board of Directors, specific fluctuation limits are set for the trading session on January 7, 2025. These limits are +30% at the closing share price from the last trading session on January 3, which was €4.8500, and -30% at the adjusted start share price of €4.7950.
For reference purposes, details regarding how these adjusted prices are calculated are based on Decision No.26 by the ATHEX Board of Directors for each Share Capital Increase with cash payment in favor of existing shareholders.
It is noted that within ΟΑΣΗΣ (the Advanced Electronic & Automated System for Securities Trading of ATHEX), this adjusted share price serves as the starting point for determining maximum and minimum trading limits.