The company known as "PROFILE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SOCIETE ANONYME," operating under the commercial title "PROFILE SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE S.A.," has issued an announcement in compliance with Law 3556/2007. This announcement follows articles 9, 14, and 21 of the law, alongside Decision 1/434/3.7.2007, which was amended by Decision No. 12/754/14.4.2016 and is currently enforced according to Circular No. 33 from the Hellenic Capital Market Commission.
The notification pertains to a change in the percentage of shares at the voting rights level within the company. According to information submitted on November 5, 2024, Norges Bank sold ordinary registered voting shares of the company on November 1, 2024. This transaction led to Norges Bank's shareholding dropping below the threshold of 5% of the total voting rights in the company.
As a result of this sale, Norges Bank now holds voting rights for a total of 1,205,932 shares, representing 4.90% of the company's total voting rights out of a sum of 24,586,446 common registered voting shares.
This disclosure aligns with Law 3556/2007 requirements and has been made available on the company's website.