Romania recently received recognition at the Global Inclusion Awards 2017, which highlighted the country’s efforts to promote financial education as the best in Europe and Central Asia.
The Child and Youth Finance International (CYFI) Country Award honors the efforts of the National Bank of Romania (NBR), the Financial Supervisory Authority and the Ministry of National Education throughout 2016. Together, the organizations partnered with several universities in the country to run a program for elementary and secondary school students, university students and teaching staff. These initiatives increase national awareness of central banking activities, basic economic principles and the financial foundations of entrepreneurship.
Romania was one of five countries to win a CYFI Country Award at this year’s Global Inclusion Awards, with one country being designated for five major global regions. The NBR has worked with the CYFI for four years and won the European Global Money Week Award in 2014.
CYFI is a global initiative designed to promote financial inclusion through programs and policies that encourage and enable children to learn about money and banking. The initiative launched in 2012 and has partnered with countries throughout the world in the intervening years, expanding its reach to more than 16 million children.