URALSIB Bank recently hosted a round table meeting on mortgage that brought together representatives of the leading real estate developers and real agencies agencies in Moscow.
During the meeting, representatives discussed opportunities for cooperation and two new URALSIB products, according to a press release.
Mortgage is one of URALSIB’s primary products, with the bank’s volume of mortgages issued in 2016 increasing four fold over the 2015 figures. In February, URALSIB was ranked among the top five mortgage providers for those looking to buy an apartment in a new building, and in January it was in the top 15 mortgage bank rankings, according to Rusipoteka Analytical Center.
At the round table, the bank discussed its two new products, Mortgage Holidays and Refinancing of Mortgage Loans, with representatives from the real estate industry, and learned from Ruipoteka’s representative about which areas of real estate are likely to be the most promising this year.
"Activities such as round tables are currently the best way to maintain a dialogue with the Bank's partners in real time,” Artem Ivanov, URALSIB's head of retail sales department network, said in the release. “This format…allows us to receive information about the possibilities of how to enhance cooperation with key partners of the Bank, as well as improvements in mortgage products.”