The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) recently celebrated Romania Investors Day with a conference in New York City that facilitated meetings between 13 Romanian companies and international investors.
"The Romanian capital market in recent years is a captivating story, which accelerates as we are building up premises for the historical upgrade of its international status," BVB CEO Ludwik Sobolewski said in a press release.
Romania Investor day was an opportunity to highlight what makes the country’s industries sound investments, according to the release. The conference gathered 43 investors who, combined, represent more than $750 billion and 32 investment funds. This was the third annual Romanian Investor Day.
"Romania has made a giant step [in] implementing a profound market reform, and as a consequence it was included on FTSE Russell’s Emerging Markets Watchlist,” BVB Chairman of the Board Lucian Anghel said in the release. “The entire local capital market and the country does and will largely benefit from this process.”
Romanian companies in attendance included Banca Transilvania, BRD Gr. Soc-Gen, Aeroporturi Bucuresti, Bursa de Valori Bucuresti, Electrica, Fondul Proprietatea, Hidroelectrica, MedLife, Nuclearelectrica, Romgaz, Salrom, Transelectrica and Transgaz.