Despite the
economic and financial challenges Greece faces, Athens’ Euroxx Securities has
projected a growth in profits for the country’s four systemic banks this year.
A increase from $422.6 million in 2016 to $951.4 million in 2017
and $1.58 billion
is expected in 2018.
These projections
represent a 29 percent to 49 percent decrease from the brokerage firm’s previous
forecasts of profits per share, taking a more conservative approach in light of sluggish revenues and higher costs. The country’s banks are not earning as
much as expected from lending and financial transactions and have been saddled
with a strict IFRS 9 framework from the SSM, which lead to Euroxx Securities’
lowered projections.
The profits
projection, however, is still an optimistic outlook for the country’s systemic
banks, which have seen significant improvements since the economic crisis in
2010. In the interim, they have been recapitalized three times and are operating
under capital controls, making the Euroxx’s forecast an marked improvement.
Euroxx Securities forecasts $950 million in profits for systemic banks in 2017